Individual Health Plans

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Determining Health Insurance Options

Individuals and Families

Castle Group Health has a wide selection of health insurance plans for every age and budget – you can purchase online today and be covered tomorrow.  

Things to consider when purchasing health insurance.

If you have questions, one of our on-site expert consultants would be happy to provide FREE guidance.  Give us a call at 877.559.8100!

Comprehensive (on/off Marketplace) Health Plans

PPO and HMO health plans from top carriers both on/off the marketplace. Use your tax subsidy to lower premium.

Cost Sharing (Ministry-based) Health Plans

Comprehensive coverage that is an alternative to expensive marketplace health insurance. Enroll anytime of the year.

Short Term (Temporary) Health Plans

Affordable non ACA option covers you for one year, option to extend, enroll anytime, some pre-existing exclusions.

Travel & Trip Health Plans (Medical Coverage)

When traveling, your health plan only covers a fraction of costs. Get extra coverage. Many options available.

Term & Whole Life Insurance Plans

Ensures your loved ones will be taken care of, in the event of an untimely death.

Dental Insurance & Discount Plans

Take care of your oral health with diagnostic, corrective & preventative care.

Vision Insurance and Discount Plans

Exams, glasses, contacts, Lasik & more, 150K providers nationwide.

Don't see what you are looking for?

It would be our pleasure to help you find a plan that fits your needs. Call us or click the button below today!

FAQ’s on Health Insurance

what is the marketplace?
Is Coverage Mandated?
When can I enroll?
why get covered?
The Affordable Care Act

And the Marketplace

The Marketplace (also referred to as an “Exchange”) is where you can purchase health insurance (Obama Care). These plans are considered comprehensive and contain the essential health benefits (see below) as established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law. Coverage is guaranteed regardless of any pre-existing condition and you may be eligible for a subsidy (premium tax credit) to help off-set high premiums.  The essential benefits are:

  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Prescription Drug
  • Mental health services
  • Addiction services
  • Rehabilitative services
  • Pediatric services, including dental and vision
  • Preventative, wellness, disease management
The Affordable Care Act

Individual Mandate

Currently, most people are not required to purchase health insurance. The ACA “shared responsibility payment” and the individual mandate has been eliminated by the Trump Administration for 2019 and beyond. However, some states have established their own individual mandates, so you still may be subject to your specific state tax penalty, if any.  Click here for more information on states that charge a penalty for no coverage

The Affordable Care Act

Open Enrollment

On or off the exchange, it’s important to know that you can only purchase Obamacare (traditional health insurance) during the annual open enrollment which is November 1 to December 15th of each year, or unless you qualify for the special enrollment period. Missing this time frame means you’ll have to wait until the next year to buy your coverage. IMPORTANT enrollment dates for individuals residing in Pennsylvania only.  The enrollment dates are slightly different for this exchange and run from November 1 to January 15th of each year.

Non ACA Options

Why Get Covered?

As healthcare costs continue to sky-rocket, why go without coverage and run the risk of financial ruin should you or a family member suffer an expected illness or accident.  Most personal bankruptcies, (nearly 70%) are caused by illnesses and accidents leaving individuals unable to work and strapped with medical bills.  

Non-ACA alternatives such as Short Term Health Insurance, and/or a Shared Ministry plan, will cost you a lot less than an unsubsidized major medical plan and can protect your finances so you can focus on your health and getting better.  However, keep in mind some of these plan have limitations and in some cases, do not cover certain and/or preexisting conditions.