What a new Biden Administration means for employers

What the new Biden Administration might mean for employers

One thing is certain; changes are not uncommon when there’s a change in the Whitehouse.  This could not be truer with the new administration and opposing views on how best to run the country, and especially in the middle of pandemic.  Regardless of which side you agree with, like other presidents before him, President Elect Biden has promised to erase or reverse many of policies and federal regulations of the prior administration, and, employers will need to be ready to make changes accordingly to be in compliance. 

While we cannot say exactly how the Biden presidency may affect employers, following a is a brief bullet-point of potential changes that could happen soon through executive action, or in the next 1-2 years if battled out in the congress.

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Please visit our website often for updates and future articles as the new Biden administration begins to implement more changes to the healthcare system.